Art is freedom to be | temporary exhibition Tiziana Santoli
Tiziana Santoli joins the ZamaLabz community.
Soon you will be able to admire and order his works on our channels, while you wait, you can preview his works in the Atelier of Tornosubito & Ester.
From 8 to 11 December in Corso Como 8, Milan.
Small cards or small papers,
as they have been called on the tizianasantoli.com website, they are papers with or without canvas, ranging from a size of 10 x 15 up to a maximum of 30 x 40 cm.
Working on small formats gives me an interval of time, condensed moments where creativity is expressed quickly , leaving room for games of color and instinctive gestures, waiting to go back to painting on larger surfaces.
The diptychs, which I have always loved to include in my artistic production, are also present in these small formats. Doubling or tripling, with diptychs or triptychs, satisfies my need to multiply, increase something finite in space, which is given the possibility to continue.
Art is freedom to be
I started making art several years ago. After studying at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts, Art became predominant in my life.
I make Art as an evolutionary possibility , for its cathartic aspect of being able to manifest, to oneself and to others, underlying and silent aspects of one's inner world .
I think there is no distance between the artist and the everyday life in which the work is created .
The thin thread that unites past works with more recent ones is the link with memory and the search for identity that belong to my personal experience, and remain open to the collective sense of the same.